USDA-NASS Releases 2022 cash rent reports

Cash Rents are always an important part of the ROI puzzle. Here is an article from that came out on September 12, 2022 which includes links to specific region and county data. READ ARTICLE Texas counties data

Agricultural 2022 Ecomonic Outlook

The agriculture sector of the U.S. economy appears poised for another strong year in 2022 amidst the backdrop of continued healthy overall economic growth. MetLife Investment Management (MIM) forecasts continued broad economic expansion, although there are lingering concerns regarding elevated inflation levels. Growth in spending on goods during the pandemic and sustained demand for food, fuel, and fiber have pushed agricultural commodity prices up and raised net farm incomes to levels not seen since 2013. Even if interest rates move from historic lows next year in response to elevated inflation, we believe the strong Ag economy is likely to persist, …

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Yes you can buy farmland with your ira

by Mike Downey Most people I work with own farmland, and many of them also own some type of retirement IRA. In transition planning, there is also a financial component to review what the income sources are during retirement. There is no doubt retirement funds invested in the stock market have performed very well over the last decade. However, as retirement nears the mindset about the stock market often changes and causes some to question whether there are other investment alternatives available for their funds. ‘I wish I could buy a farm with my IRA’This is a common expression …

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