Clift Land Brokers Donates to Area Schools

George Clift, ALC, owner of Clift Land Brokers, and Gary Sutherland, Associate Broker of Pampa, were in the area on Friday handing out checks to Miami and Canadian schools.  Several months ago, Clift Land Brokers was hired by Salem Abraham to sell the 12,160 acre Christie Ranch in Roberts County. Earlier this month, that ranch was sold to Travis and Kylee Chester.

“George and Gary did a great job selling the ranch” commented Salem Abraham, “and I think we all had fun working together.” George Clift said, ”After closing the ranch deal, Gary and I wanted to do something to give back to this area where the ranch was located. We feel it is important to help educate the next generation of leaders who will be in charge of agriculture in this area. This is a way we can help. We also enjoyed working with Salem and we know he and Ruth Ann share our concern for helping kids.”

A check in the amount of $4,000 was presented to the Miami High School FFA program. Two checks in the amount of $3,000 each were presented to the Canadian High School FFA program and to the Canadian High School FCCLA program.

Abraham said, “I think it is great that Clift Land Brokers helps out in the communities where they work. So often, we all see companies come to our community to make money, but they take the money they make here and give their donations back home. George and Gary recognize that our kids out here matter too, and I really appreciate that mindset.”

Clift Land Brokers donation_adjusted-Canadian-300
Presentation to Canadian ISD (Back row, left to right) FFA Advisor Tonny Hamby, Gary Sutherland, George Clift, Salem Abraham, and FCCLA Advisor Paige Culwell; (front row) FFA’ers, Peyton Dockray and Emma Waters, and FCCLA’ers Allison Culwell and Lily Smith.








Presentation to Miami FFA-300
Presentation to Miami ISD FFA (From left to right) George Clift, ALC, Donna Hale (Superintendent), Tucker Long (Ag Teacher), Gary Sutherland, Associate Broker, and Salem Abraham

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