Dairy Facility Draws Interest from Coast to Coast


Dairy Facility Draws Interest from Coast to Coast

On Tuesday, January 13th, Clift Land Auctions held a successful auction in Dumas, Texas. Up for sale was the Front Range Dairy and 980 + acres of highly productive irrigated farmland. This property was offered in three individual tracts, which made this property attractive for a variety of potential buyers. “We had interest in this auction from New York State to California. Interest came from local farmers, feedyard owners, east coast investors, and dairymen from all over the United States”, said George Clift, owner of Clift Land Auctions and Clift Land Brokers in Amarillo, Texas.  As it turned out, this property sold to one buyer for $4.73 M, exceeding the sellers’ expectations.

To kick off the bidding, Auctioneer Todd Robertson solicited a donation to a local charity, The Refuge at Dumas. The highest bidder, who donated $500.00 to help support this organization, wished to remain anonymous. Clift Land Auctions will match their donation with another $500.00.

Clift Land Auctions has been in the land auction business for over 12 years, and has sold over 190,000 acres of farms and ranches during that time.  “This was a highly successful auction for our sellers, which once again proves the auction process is a viable marketing option for your land”, added Mr. Clift.

For more information about Clift Land Auctions, the multi-parcel land auction process, and how you can benefit from this marketing option, visit CliftLandAuctions.com or call 800-299-LAND (5263).

George Clift, ALC
Clift Land Auction, LP

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