10 Factors that Drive Farmland Value

Here is an interesting perspective on land values from Sara Schafer, AgWeb.com Business and Crops Online Editor.  Sara talks about Global factors that impact your farm value. She quotes Tim Hopper, chief economist at TIAA-CREF, a financial services and investing organizaiton, saying, “People have an intuitive sense of what their land is worth. Yet to stay ahead of the curve, he says, farmers should think beyond their farm gates.”  Click here for the entire article.

George Clift, ALC Honored with The Owen W Sherrill Award

April 25, 2013 The Owen W. Sherrill Award was presented to George Clift, ALC at the Texas A&M 23rd Annual Outlook Land Markets Conference in San Antonio, TX The Award honors a Realtor who has contributed to the overall positive image of an outstanding, professional Texas Farm and Land Broker. This award was instituted in 1976 to honor the First President and Organizer of Texas Realtors® Land Institute Chapter #22, Owen W. Sherrill, AFLM

KAGS-HD TV News Story on Land Investments

Here is a news story about Land Investments from KAGS-HD TV in College Station, Texas you may find interesting…http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmDg3fcr20E