This property is close to Abernathy on FM 54. The north side is flat and has good grass. There is a very large Playa Lake on the property. There is an old feed yard, mill and two old sheds. There are two silage pits on the property. There is a large amount of trash and rubble on this property. The Seller is paying someone to haul off the old tires. There are four old wells and one appears to have a pump in the hole. The Seller is reserving 1/2 of the commercial wind royalty rights and 1/2 of the solar rights.
wo and one-half miles west of IH-27 on FM 54 to the SE corner of the property.
Latitude: 33.882614 / Longitude: -101.902053
Price: $268,600
Total Acres: 316
Dryland Acres: 27
Grass Acres: 274
Taxes: $1,312
Reservations: reserve all owned