807 +/- Grassland Acres in Lipscomb Co. TX
This is an Absolute Sealed Bid Auction for 807 + grassland acres north of Canadian, Texas. Sealed Bids will be accepted between Friday, July 24th and 2:00 pm on Thursday, July 30th.
Call us today at 800.299.5263 to request your Sealed Bid Packet.
This property is a nice section and a quarter of contiguous grassland north of Canadian, Texas. Good fences divide the property into four pastures. The terrain is mostly rolling to heavy rolling native and improved grassland with loamy soils. 347 acres are currently enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program. The CRP contract expires September 30, 2020, and no CRP payments will convey. There is one windmill/well that was drilled in 2008. The well logs show a well depth of 435 feet. There is also one well located in the CRP, with a static water level of 268 feet and 376 feet to red bed. One mile of fence is needed in the southwest corner (1/2 mile north/south and 1/2 mile east/west).
From Canadian, Texas, go northeast on US Hwy 60 approximately three miles to FM 1920, then north on FM 1920
approximately 10 miles to Locust Grove Rd., then 4.3 miles west to a good caliche oil field road., then south one mile to the north property line and a cattle guard.There is a written easement for access.
Latitude: 36.098050 / Longitude: -100.442276
Total Acres: 807
Grass Acres: 460
CRP Acres: 347
CRP Expiration: 2020
Reservations: none