Good Fences Make Good Neighbors

The saying goes, “Good fences make good neighbors.” Unfortunately, as many rural landowners know, fence issues also can create extremely strained relationships among neighbors. If a cow gets onto a roadway and is hit by a motorist, can the livestock owner be liable? What should you do if there are stray livestock on your property? If a boundary fence falls into disrepair, who is responsible for footing the bill to do the needed repairs? What can you do about frustrating tree limbs from the neighbor’s tree that are hanging over your property? These are just a few of the issues …

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Never Buy Land Without an ALC

Never Buy Land Without an ALC…. 4 reasons from an article on written by Luke Worrell, ALC This article outlines 4 of the reasons you should never buy land without an ALC (Accredited Land Consultant)…..Trust….Skill….Knowledge…Connections. “When it comes to selling land, I am absolutely convinced that ALCs are the best in the business.  For starters, you can only become a designated ALC after you have proven yourself in the field.” Read the entire article here.

Crop Insurance Priority 1

Crop Insurance: Priority #1, by Agri-Pulse Communications No matter who wins this November’s presidential election, one of the first items facing a new Secretary of Agriculture will be developing a 2018 farm bill, a process sure to begin early in 2017. As we start that effort, it is worth noting that for all its rich diversity, American agriculture seems to be united behind a few large overarching issues: coordinated and scientific regulatory policy by EPA, FDA, and USDA; healthy trade promotion; biotechnology; and farm labor issues, including immigration. READ ENTIRE ARTICLE