Small Irrigated Farm in Moore Co. TX

PRICE REDUCED This is a small clean irrigated farm close to town with great equipment. There is a total of 230 +/- acres. 120 acres is irrigated and there are 110 dryland acres. Two irrigation wells are powered by Cat engines with turbine pumps and water is dispersed by a newer Seven Tower Valley Sprinkler System. The sprinkler is nozzled for 400 gpm. Currently, the circle is growing half corn and half seed milo. The dryland cultivated acres are planted to cotton. Legal access is available from both the north and south sides. An additional 75+/- acres can be added …

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Commercial Grain Handling Facility

SIGNIFICANT PRICE REDUCTION!! This is a very nice operating commercial grain handling facility. It has a permitted capacity of 1,311,000 bushels and has an average annual volume, over the last eight years, of 1,814,099 bushels per year. The highest year being 3,301,235 bushels and the smallest year being 646,039 bushels during a drought. 750,000 bushels of milo in storage that is available. The business is for sale along with most of the essential rolling stock, office furniture, and customer list. There are four employees that can run the operations of the facility, and they are interested in staying with the …

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