Progressive Farmer article on land values.

Here’s an excerpt from an article on land values published in the November 2013 issue of Progressive Farmer….”Clift Land Brokers has a big footprint when it comes to farm and ranch land, leaving George Clift with a broad perspective.  The broker says there are two regions he’d look to invest in today: the High Plains of Texas or the eastern areas of North Carolina, Georgia and Alabama.  In the High Plains, he’d focus on grain-deficit areas, where the commodity brings a premium over the Midwest. He says land here is a consistent producer, drawing from underground aquifers. “Returns of farms in …

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George Clift New RLI National President

November 8, 2013 (San Francisco, CA) -Tradition was honored as the REALTORS® Land Institute installed the 2014 Executive Leadership team at the Induction and Recognition Luncheon in San Francisco, CA on November 7, 2013. Chris Polychron, 2013 Vice President of National Association of REALTORS® swore in 2014 RLI National President George Clift, ALC; 2014 RLI National President-Elect Terri Jensen, ALC; and 2014 RLI National Vice President Bob Turner, ALC. The 2014 RLI National President George Clift stated, “I appreciate the honor and privilege of serving as your president for 2014-the year of the Institute’s 70th Anniversary.  With its rich history and strong future, we …

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